

Dive in the Mediterranean Sea! The Meditarranean waters are home for numerous flocks of pelagic fish, marine mammals, large predators and of course sharks!

Cretaquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the Mediterranean and belongs to the Hellenic Center of Marine Research. More than 25.000 kinds of fish and invertebrates (among which about 200 Mediterranean species) live there today, promising to offer you a fascinating experience. Come face to face with thousands of organisms. Observe their behavior and let them captivate you with their shapes and colors. Among others, you will have the chance to see some rare species, such as greater amberjacks, groupers, santer seabreams, and European seabasses. CretAquarium has more than 60 tanks! Each tank is autonomous as far as the water purification is concerned. Also each of them has a different temperature to help different species adjust. Add the fact that each kind of fish has a different diet, and you might get an idea of the complexity of the huge mechanism that runs behind the scenes to bring this marvel to life. Cretaquarium is located at Gournes of Heraklion, which is connected directly to the North Road Axis of Crete. 

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